Justice On Your Side. Serving Savannah, Macon, Augusta, Atlanta and Beyond.

Justice On Your Side. Serving Savannah, Augusta, Atlanta and Beyond.

Our law firm is located in Savannah, Georgia and offers legal assistance to victims of personal injury. As a service organization committed to helping clients and fighting for justice, we have a responsibility to give back to our community. The Eichholz Law Firm is accepting applications for two unique scholarship programs in 2025: a Scholarship for High School Seniors and a Scholarship for Adults Returning to School.


Scholarship for High School Seniors

In 2024, The Eichholz Law Firm’s Scholarship Program for High School Seniors will award $2,500 to one local high school senior who has demonstrated a commitment to serving our community. This scholarship is to be used toward tuition costs at any accredited community college or university in the state of Georgia.

To qualify, the student:

  • Must be a high school senior in Chatham, Effingham, Bryan or Liberty County
  • Must have a minimum, unweighted GPA of 3.25
  • Must be enrolling in or accepted at an accredited community college or university in Georgia
  • Must submit a complete scholarship application using the form below that includes a 500-word original essay about their community service and extracurricular activities

Scholarship for Adults Returning to School

The Eichholz Law Firm’s Scholarship Program for Adults Returning to School will award $2,500 to one applicant who is returning to school to prepare for a new career in the legal profession or to further their current career in the field of law. This scholarship is to be used toward tuition costs at any accredited community college or university in the state of Georgia.

To qualify, the applicant:

  • Must be a resident of Chatham, Effingham, Bryan or Liberty County who is enrolling in or accepted at an accredited community college or university program 
  • Must submit a complete application and a 500-word original essay about their career goals.

The Eichholz Law Firm Scholarship entry is coming soon. Stay tuned for the official essay topic and launch date.

Terms & Conditions
The Eichholz Law Firm’s selection committee will select the winner of the scholarship. The committee’s decision is final.

Privacy Statement
Information provided by the applicant will only be utilized to make a determination regarding the scholarship. Any and all information will be deleted immediately after the selection period ends. None of the information provided will be sold to any third parties. Information including a photo and bio of the winner may be used for public relations purposes.

Non-Discrimination Statement
The scholarship selection committee is committed to the principle of equal opportunity and is in no way influenced by race, gender, sexual preference, a nation of origin or any other criteria.

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